Western Chemical has adopted US Chamber of Commerce Definition of Go Green which stresses on steps to conserve energy, save cost & reduce pollution .

Based on the above Western strives to implement following steps:

  • Continually improve working standards to prevent pollution & loss to property.
  • Strives to implement all legal & relevant requirements and review environmental progress & targets.
  • Strives for better safety standards for all employees with safe operation and promote safety as to achieve almost zero down time.
  • Co-operate with Government & Local Bodies in tackling Environmental, Safety & Health problems of  both, the institution & the surrounding area.
  • Enlightening the shop floor workers on the positive gains every one can achieve with respect to health, wealth & greenery by adopting positive steps to achieve set targets.
  • Immediately reporting any lapses in Environment, Health or Safety to concerned Parties for immediate rectification.
  • Western has instituted an Award to be given periodically to personnel for bright & operational suggestions / implementation towards Environment, Safety & Health of all concerned.

Apart from Quality & Quantity targets, we care for Safety & Health of our personnel and visitors. It’s not just a necessity but a passion. Our Pigments and products are constantly evaluated in in-house labs & counter checked in internationally recognised laboratories. Our clients are fully satisfied due to low levels of prohibited substances such as Dioxins, Furans, PCBs, HCBs & Heavy Metals etc.

To assure premium quality, Western Chemical uses certified raw materials & monitors continuously the production process at every stage.